Restorative Dentistry Costa Mesa, CA

Dr. Michael Ayzin and the professional team at Dentistry At Its Finest aim to provide high-quality dental care that you can smile about. Dr. Ayzin offers restorative treatments to his patients in Costa Mesa, CA and the Orange County area. If you have damaged or missing teeth, suffer from chronic jaw pain, or have abnormal gum swelling or bleeding, call 714.540.5511 for comfortable and comprehensive treatment today.

Restorative dental Treatments in Orange County

Dental Bridges: Are you missing multiple teeth? Dental bridges can help fill in the gaps left by missing teeth while providing long-lasting support to teeth and gums. Dentistry At Its Finest offers dental bridges that are secured with dental implants. Secured dental bridges provide more stability and last longer than removable dental bridges.

Dental Crowns: Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, cover teeth to fix the aesthetics of your smile. They can also protect teeth from wear and tear. Missing teeth that are replaced with dental implants are also covered with an abutment and dental crown. Any restorative treatment that is secured with a dental implant uses dental crowns in their final restoration. Depending on the material that they are constructed from, dental crowns can blend in with teeth for a natural look. Dental crowns can also provide durability to otherwise weak teeth.

Dental Implants:One or more teeth can be restored with same day dental implants. A single missing tooth can be replaced in a day, and multiple missing teeth can be replaced with removable or fixed dentures, which are supported by dental implants. Whole arches or a full mouth of missing teeth can be replaced with permanent dentures that are secured with dental implants. All-on-Four dental implants consist of a set of titanium metal posts that are implanted into the jaw bone. After a healing period of 3 to 6 weeks, each post is topped with an abutment and dental crown.

Dentures and Partials: Implant-secured dentures utilize dentures that are attached to and supported by dental implants. Dental implants consist of titanium posts which are inserted to the jaw bone. After a healing period, the implants are covered with dental crowns and the supporting bar that makes up the denture is secured. Patients with multiple consecutive missing teeth can benefit from partial dentures. Made of a metal or acrylic material, partial dentures are made up of replacement teeth that are attached to a base with a metal framework.

Periodontal Therapy: If you have toothaches or experience bleeding gums when you brush and floss your teeth, you may be developing periodontitis, or gum disease. Other common symptoms of gum disease include swollen gums, bad breath, receding gums, gum swelling, and mouth sores.

TMJ Treatment: Do you suffer from chronic jaw pain? You may have a TMJ disorder. The temporomandibular joint connects the jawbone to the skull. Problems can arise when pain is experienced in the jaw joint and the muscles surrounding the temporomandibular joint. TMJ disorders not only affect the jaw area, but can result in other symptoms. Invisalign and oral appliances can be used to treat TMJ.

Dentistry At Its Finest