Teeth whitening service in Costa Mesa, CA

Are you searching for an effective way to lift tough stains and brighten your tooth enamel?

Visit the trusted team of cosmetic dentists at Dentistry At Its Finest to explore your options. At our Costa Mesa, CA dental office, we offer a full menu of cosmetic services to address many common dental concerns, including stained or discolored teeth. One of the most popular solutions for stained and discolored teeth is professional teeth whitening. With professional teeth whitening, you can eliminate tough stains and achieve a whiter, brighter smile. Visit your trusted team of cosmetic dentists in Orange County to determine if teeth whitening is right for you.


Benefits of Zoom! Teeth Whitening

Achieve a brighter smile with ZOOM! professional teeth whitening system.

Many patients opt for over the counter whitening solutions, which can often result in poor results. With the ZOOM! advantage, our team utilizes powerful bleaching agents and high-end dental technology to help you achieve a noticeably brighter smile.

In addition, professional teeth whitening can offer these key benefits:

  • Proven results
  • Reduce tooth sensitivity
  • A quick solution for stained and discolored teeth
  • Treatment is customized to meet your aesthetic goals

Tooth Whitening Options

At Dentistry At Its Finest, we offer a wide range of cosmetic solutions to enhance the appearance of the natural teeth. For patients who want to address stained or discolored teeth, we may recommend professional teeth whitening. Professional teeth whitening utilizes high-quality bleaching agents and high-end dental technology to brighten the tooth enamel. Patients have the option of using in-office teeth whitening or take-home teeth whitening to achieve their ideal smile. After a consultation with our team, you can make a more informed decision regarding which tooth whitening option best suits your needs.


In-office Teeth Whitening

We offer The ZOOM!™ in-office whitening system, which utilizes a special light and a light-activated bleaching agent to safely and effectively brighten the teeth. On average, patients can complete their in-office teeth whitening treatment in an hour-long visit to our Orange County dental practice.

To begin your teeth whitening treatment, we will perform a dental cleaning, place a splash guard to protect your clothing and supply eyewear to help protect the eyes from the LED light.

The ZOOM! whitening treatment typically consists of these steps:

  • Cheek retractors are placed to expose the teeth
  • A protective covering is placed over the gum tissue
  • The bleaching agent is applied to the surface of the teeth
  • The whitening gel is applied and activated by a special LED light
  • After 15 minutes, the whitening gel is wiped away and reapplied
  • The gel is activated by the special LED light
  • After another 15 minutes, the gel is removed, reapplied, and activated again using a special LED light

Take-Home Whitening

For patients who want to whiten their smile in the comfort of their own home, we also offer take-home teeth whitening. We will provide a whitening gel and custom fit mouth trays, which allow you to brighten your smile on your own time. For your brightest smile yet, we may recommend combining ZOOM!™ in-office whitening with the take-home trays

Achieve A Whiter Smile in Costa Mesa, CA

Do you want to achieve a whiter smile? Visit Dentistry At Its Finest to determine if teeth whitening is right for you. Our team can explore your smile and recommend the most appropriate solution for your smile. To schedule your teeth whitening consultation, call 714.540.5511, or request an appointment online.

Dentistry At Its Finest