Costa Mesa - Dental Implants in a Day

Contents: What is implant in a day? | Procedure steps | Why get one day implant? | How much it costs? | Appointment | FAQ

Tooth Implant in one day?

Dental Implants in one day in Costa Mesa CommunityDo your dentures don’t stand up to your expectations? Do you need a more comfortable and permanent replacement solution for your missing teeth? What if you could get dental implants in one day? You don’t need to worry about that anymore. Through modern implantology, not only that you’ll be able to eat or speak naturally, but you’ll also have a confident smile in a day. For a single tooth, multiple, or even full mouth, getting dental restoration can be done in one visit. Getting permanent teeth in a day brings you the most convenient type of restorative dentistry.

Dental implants are typically made of titanium and sometimes zirconia. They are composed of a titanium screw that comes in various shapes and sizes (diameter & length) inserted into the jawbone and work as the artificial root of the tooth. These are inserted into the empty tooth socket and are given time to heal and integrate into the jawbone – a process known as osseointegration. Once the bone and gum have completely healed and securely anchored inside the jawbone, a suitable dental implant is attached to it, serving as a crown for the prosthetic teeth.

Dental implants come in numerous types including endosteal and subperiosteal. Endosteal implants are the most common and are directly drilled into the jawbone while subperiosteal implants are drilled beneath the gums. A metal frame is then attached on top.

Compared to the conventional treatment, it will require several weeks to finalize. Same day restorations are completed in one visit to the dentist. This means that you can enjoy any food you like as soon as the dental restorations have been placed. We understand that you can’t wait for days to get your missing teeth replaced; therefore, we offer high quality artificial fixed teeth so that our patients won’t have their teeth even for a single day.

Take a look to learn more about implants, Schedule an appointment.


Implants in a day – Procedure

  • Before Your Same Day Placement Appointment – Before scheduling an appointment for permanent tooth treatment, your expert dentist will perform a detailed oral examination of your teeth. This is done first to make sure you are a perfect candidate for this treatment. Our expert will also perform a computerized tomography (CT Scan) and X-ray as well as 3D digital imaging to determine the volume and thickness of the jawbone where the roots will need to be placed. If you don’t have enough bone mass to support the implant, then you will need to undergo bone augmentation such as bone grafting. A bone graft will be able to cover the issue of not having sufficient bone density. These bone grafts will be able to firmly support the implant. Aside from determining whether you have a healthy jawbone, you must also have healthy gums for faster application and recovery. Careful planning of the angle of the implant and position is then performed beforehand to streamline its placement on the same day.
  • On the Day of Your Appointment – The crown, abutment, tools and other things needed for your treatment will be ready on the day of the appointment. Since this is a dental implant procedure, it is best to administer anesthesia to the patient before starting the treatment. Your dentist will prefer either local sedation or general anesthesia depending on your condition. Once you are completely sedated, and pain-free, your dentist will start to make an incision into the soft tissue of overlaying the jawbone. The next holes will be made into the bone and the new roots carefully positioned and in a precisely controlled force. Finally, the prefabricated prosthesis will be secured to the fixed dental bridges to complete the structure of the implants.

Both conventional and same day dental restorations can be used for permanent replacement of the missing teeth. In the case of conventional implants, patients will have to wait for a few weeks so that there is sufficient bone around the implants before the artificial teeth are placed. In this way, the teeth can be held firmly in position. Moreover in traditional dental implant surgery, it involves inserting one or more titanium posts into the jawbone via pressure-controlled drills, based on the number of teeth being restored. In some instances, the doctor may suggest platform switching, which requires inserting implants with a smaller diameter, in order to sustain the alveolar bone levels surrounding the posts. On the other hand, a more modern method allows for new implants to be placed immediately. This means that you don’t have to wait for weeks while your implant-supported dentures are placed. We are nearby to help you choose the best option for you.


Remember that just like natural teeth, dental implants should also be taken care of properly to last longer. In case there’s a lack of proper oral care, oral health problems such as peri-implantitis may develop. This disease is when the tissue around the dental implant becomes contaminated and results in the implant’s loss. It is caused by bacteria that flourish in a dry mouth, which is why it is necessary to follow proper oral health aftercare practices on a regular basis. Moreover, by maintaining a healthy mouth, you will be free of gum disease or periodontal disease.

Why get Teeth Implants in a single day?

Same Day ImplantsYou must be wondering why you’d want to get implants in a day over conventional dentures. Here are some of the reasons:

  • No Need to Wait! – Usually, crown fabrication after a dental implant surgery takes a while to be completed and no one wants to wait for weeks as their replacement sets are getting ready in the laboratory. We will take care of any oral health issues you may have and plan a replacement option. In this way, you’ll get permanent dentures in a single day.
  • Durability – Compared to removable dentures that need to be replaced after several years, your implant-supported bridge or implant-supported restorations are permanent and do not require repairs. Did you know that with proper dental care and maintenance as well as following the dentist’s instructions, your implants can last for a lifetime?
  • Natural Feeling – These are placed in the jaw bone attached the same way as your natural teeth secure the tooth naturally in your jawbone. When placed, it provides a more natural feeling and comfort of being able to enjoy the foods you like. Although dental implants are primarily for dental restorations, they can also be for cosmetic purposes. However, if your goal is solely to enhance the appearance of your teeth, then it is best to seek a cosmetic dentist instead.
  • Conservation of Jaw Bone Volume – Did you know that wearing removable dentures can result in the degradation of the quality of your jaw bone? This won’t be the case with implants. In fact, implants promote jaw bone formation; thus, preserve the quality, integrity, volume, and quality of the jawbones.
  • No Need for Removal – Are dentures too much work for you as you need to remove them every time you go to bed? Teeth implants are permanent and it doesn’t need to be removed. All it needs is your regular oral hygiene – brush and floss your teeth regularly so they can last for a lifetime.
  • Enjoy Your Favorite Foods – Another good reason to replace your dentures with implants is that you won’t have any dietary restrictions or problems in chewing foods. Since the dentures are secured to the mouth, it is safe to eat almost anything without worrying if your dental prosthesis will chip or get damaged.


Same day implant – Permanent Teeth options

Teeth in one day offer you a durable, quick, and reliable replacement for your missing tooth.

  • Single Missing Tooth Replacement – We will replace your single missing tooth in a single day.
  • Multiple Missing teeth – We can replace missing teeth with either fixed dentures or implant-supported dentures.
  • Full Mouth Rehabilitation – With the help of permanent dentures, full mouth restoration is recommended.
  • All on Four Hybrid Dentures – With All-on-4 implants, up to 4 posts are inserted in each jaw. It is then supported to complete the denture over it and used to restore the edentulous arch.

How much does same day dental implant cost?

Immediate dental implants cost reflects the convenience of having it surgically placed on the same day with high quality replacements. Moreover, if you have a dental insurance plan that covers this type of oral surgery, then it can significantly lessen the total bill.

  • Single and multiple implants cost: – The cost for replacing one or even a few missing ones at Costa Mesa, CA in one session ranges between $800 and $2500.
  • Full mouth dental implants in one day cost – Replacing all of the teeth on the lower jaw, upper jaw, or even all on permanent dentures cost between $15,000 to $30,000 for a single plate (top or bottom). This is perfect for patients missing several teeth in a row. The amount can go higher if the remaining teeth need extraction. Looking for other options near you?


Costa Mesa Same day dental implant

At Dentistry At Its Finest in Costa Mesa, California we have affordable immediate dental implants. Our proficient dentists take pride in making sure that our patients are at ease and walk out of our office with confident smiles on their faces. We also offer other low-cost dental services in Costa Mesa like cosmetic dentistry and dental bonding, accept most PPOs (and HMOs), work with lending or financing companies, and are glad to answer any questions you have about the process or cost.

More about Implants Dental.

One Day Dental Implants FAQ

Are same day dental implants safe?

Yes. Same day implants are safe and have minimal risks. The biggest concern is how the patients heal including the osseointegration period which allows for the implants to fuse with the jawbone. During the 3 to 6 months period, patients must follow strict diet recommendations and avoid hard foods to ensure the fused implants don’t move. If not, it could delay the healing period and can lead to implant failure. Dr. Michael Ayzin DDS will make sure that you’ll have a safe dental implants procedure.

How much do same day implants cost?

Same day dental implants, or teeth in a day, can cost from $3,000 to $4,500 for a single implant, to $34,000 for a single arch (top or bottom). The price reflects the advantages of having an implant and the porcelain crowns placed on the single day. See the Cost of implants.

Do teeth implants hurt?

Placement of dental implants is considered an outpatient surgery; therefore patients are expected to feel soreness or discomfort afterward. However, during the actual procedure itself, patients won’t experience any pain because they’ll be given anesthesia.

Teeth In A Day Near Me

Choosing a dentist near where you live, work, or go to school is important particularly if you are trying to save time and money. There will be a few additional treatments or follow-up appointments along with your routine visits later. Having a dental office near you will make dental appointments more convenient. Also, look for specialists with excellent reviews in dental implants and the one you’ll be happy working with.

Dentistry At Its Finest