Humana dental PPO cover in Costa Mesa CA

Humana dental has the following dental coverage plans available: Preventive Value, Bright Plus, Bright Plus for Veterans, Loyalty Plus, and Complete Dental.

Humana dental coverage plans

With Humana, you can get the affordable insurance coverage you need at reasonable costs. The majority of their plans can be implemented for your usage within 5-7 days. With more than 335,000 in-network dentist and specialist locations, Humana boasts an extensive dental network. This equates to more coverage for a lower price. Preventive care and basic dental services are covered under Humana’s affordable PPO dental insurance plans for you and your family. There are numerous dental PPO plan choices from Humana. The Humana dental PPO plan options are listed below.

Preventive Value

With the Preventive Value plan, there are no waiting periods, no enrollment fee, and no annual maximum. The one-time lifetime deductible for an individual is $50, $100 for an individual +1 dependent or spouse, and $150 for a family (3+ individuals). Preventive services under this plan are estimated to be 100% covered in-network after the lifetime deductible is met and an estimated to be 80% covered if you use an out-of-network dentist after the lifetime deductible is met. Preventive services include oral exams and evaluations, teeth cleanings, x-rays, and fluoride treatment. Basic services, on the other hand, are estimated to be 50% covered in-network after the lifetime deductible is met. Preventive Value offers an estimate of 30% coverage if you use an out-of-network dentist after the lifetime deductible is met. Basic services include tooth fillings, extractions and root removal, and emergency care for pain relief.

Bright Plus

With no waiting periods, Bright Plus is a PPO dental insurance plan that enables you to maintain routine dental exams and teeth cleanings. Benefits of Bright Plus include access to the nationwide Humana PPO dental insurance network of more than 325,000 dentists, a $100 annual in-office teeth whitening allowance (not subject to deductible or waiting periods), a $50 individual deductible and a $150 family deductible, two fully covered routine oral exams and cleanings per year with in-network dentists, and no waiting period for covered preventive dental care services.

Bright Plus for Veterans

The Bright Plus for Veterans dental plan is intended for individuals who want to keep their oral health through routine teeth cleanings and oral exams. The plan provides affordable coverage for preventive care and basic dental services like regular cleanings and exams, tooth fillings, tooth extractions, a $100 budget for teeth whitening, and special discounts. Veterans are eligible to enroll in this plan and will have coverage for themselves as well as their immediate family.

Loyalty Plus

With no waiting periods and day-one coverage, the Loyalty Plus dental plan rewards you for your loyalty. Your benefits grow with time, and you can visit any dentist you like. Up until the third year, the plan’s payment for services grows annually. The plan enables a maximum of $1,000 per person in the first year, but by the third year, that cap grows to $1,500 per person.

Basic dental services coverage is estimated to be 40% covered for the 1st year, estimated to be 55% covered for the 2nd year, and estimated to be 70% covered for the 3rd year. Basic services include fillings, extractions, and X-rays which are available up to the annual benefit maximum. Major dental services coverage is estimated to be 20% covered for the 1st year, estimated to be 30% covered for the 2nd year, and estimated to be 50% covered for the 3rd year. These major services include root canals, crowns, and dentures which are available up to the annual benefit maximum.

Complete Dental

Preventive care, such as routine oral exams, cleanings, topical fluoride treatments, and oral evaluations, have no waiting period. Basic care has a 6-month waiting period. However, waiting periods may be waived on basic services if the member had prior coverage for 12 continuous months. Basic services include emergency care like extractions and root removal, fillings, initial placement for space maintainers, and prefabricated stainless steel crowns. On the other hand, a 12-month waiting period applies to major dental services like oral surgery including root canals, complete and partial dentures, crowns, inlays, and onlays.

Are you looking for a dentist that takes Humana dental or where it is accepted? Dentistry At Its Finest accepts Humana dental.

Humana dental tooth extraction cost coverage?

Humana dental pays an estimated 40%-80% in-network coverage and an estimated 30%-80% out-of-network coverage for simple extractions. This is after lifetime deductible. Some dental plans, like Preventive Value plan, don’t have a waiting period. Loyalty Plus dental plan offers an estimated 20% coverage for surgical extractions in the first year, an estimated 30% after deductible in the second year, and an estimated 50% in the subsequent years. On the other hand, the Complete Dental plan pays an estimated 50% in- and out-of-network coverage for surgical extractions after deductible. Source

Humana dental covers Wisdom teeth removal?

Find out whether having oral surgery, such wisdom teeth removal, would be regarded as a medical or dental procedure. Depending on the required type of surgery and the plan policy, this may change. The dental insurance plan’s policy may cover it as a major service if it qualifies as a dental procedure. Loyalty Plus dental plan pays an estimated 20% for oral surgeries in the first year, an estimated 30% after deductible in the second year, and an estimated 50% in the subsequent years. Complete Dental plan covers an estimate of 50% after deductible for oral surgeries. Source

Does Humana Dental cover X-Rays?

Bitewing x-rays (one set, up to four films, every calendar year) and panoramic film combined with full mouth (limited to once every five years) are estimated to be 100% covered for in-network and estimated to be 70%-80% covered for out-of-network. Loyalty Plus dental plan pays an estimated 40% after deductible for miscellaneous x-rays (limit one per year), bitewing x-rays (limit one set per year), and full mouth or panoramic x-rays (limit one per five years) in the first year. Loyalty Plus offers an estimated 55% coverage in the second year and an estimated 70% coverage after deductible in the subsequent years. Source

Humana Dental covers Braces?

Loyalty Plus plan may offer discounts on adult and child orthodontic care such as braces. Members may get a discount on these uninsured orthodontic services if they see an in-network orthodontist. You should call your insurance provider to determine if any discounts are offered for non-covered orthodontic services. Note that if you start receiving orthodontic care before enrolling in a Humana dental insurance plan, your orthodontic care may not be covered. Before you begin working with an orthodontist, make sure to obtain Humana dental coverage. Source

Is Invisalign covered by Humana dental?

Invisalign is not technically covered by Humana insurance policy. However, if you visit an in-network orthodontist, they often offer discounts. Depending on the plan you pick, the discount can be up to an estimated 20%. These discounts are frequently available with the more expensive, all-inclusive plans. Orthodontic care is not frequently covered by or discounted by Humana’s basic dental insurance plans.

Even though it’s not regular coverage, these discount plans can offer benefits over it because they do not have age restrictions or lifetime spending maximums. Source

What does Humana Dental cover for dental implant?

Humana dental PPO plans do not cover dental implants. However, Humana Dental Savings plans or discount plans do offer coverage for major services like teeth implants. The HumanaOne Complete Dental plan offers an estimated 50% coverage for dental implants after the deductible is met. This plan requires a 6 or 12-month waiting period before benefits for dental implants are available to policyholders. Source

Does Humana dental cover dentures?

Loyalty Plus pays an estimated 20% coverage for complete dentures, removable partial dentures, and denture repair and adjustments in the first year. Loyalty Plus plan offers an estimated 30% after deductible in the second year and an estimated 50% in the subsequent years. Complete Dental plan offers an estimate of 50% in- and out-of-network coverage for complete dentures, removable partial dentures, and denture repair and adjustments. Coverage for complete and partial dentures is limited to once per five years. Coverage for denture repair and adjustments is limited to once per year. Note that overdentures and any endodontic treatment associated with overdentures are excluded in the coverage. Source

How much does Humana dental cover for Veneers?

Humana dental may cover part of your veneers depending on your specific plan and coverage. Please give us a call to find out what might be covered for your specific situation. Source

Humana Dental accepted for Gum Grafts?

Humana dental may cover part of gum grafts depending on your specific plan and coverage. Please give us a call to find out what might be covered for your specific situation.

Does Humana dental cover Cleaning and Tooth Fillings?

Routine dental cleanings are estimated to be 100% covered for in-network and estimated to be 70%-100% covered for out-of-network. Teeth cleanings are limited to two times per calendar year. Tooth fillings are estimated to be 40%-80% covered after lifetime deductible for in-network and estimated to be 30%-80% covered for out-of-network. Coverage for fillings is limited to one per tooth, two every calendar year. Note that composite (white) fillings are only covered on anterior (front) teeth. An alternate benefit is allowed for composite fillings on posterior (back) teeth where the plan will cover the cost of an amalgam (silver) filling and the member is responsible for any cost over the covered amount. Replacement of restorations (fillings) placed less than two years ago are excluded from the coverage.

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DISCLAIMER: This information is subject to change on behalf of the insurance company. We are providing this as an informal guide to help you determine which services at our office are covered by your insurance. For more detailed information, please see the insurance company’s website or call the customer service or member services number listed on most insurance ID cards. Updated as of 3/27/2023. The above logo & trademarks are property of Humana Dental.

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