Thanks to the advancements of dental technology, dental extractions are easier and more comfortable than before. However, it is understandable that you want to have something to help you relax after your procedure, and for most that is drinking coffee. Is it safe to drink coffee after tooth extraction?
Effects of Drinking Coffee After Tooth Extraction
The intake of coffee differs from person to person and some people have more adverse reactions than others. Sure there are benefits to drinking coffee, and they are even used as painkillers. But drinking a cup of coffee immediately after extraction is not recommended due to the following reasons:
- Caffeine can thin out the blood vessels and cause high blood pressure and palpitations. It can prevent a blood clot from forming or dislodge newly formed blood. This may lead to a condition called dry socket which can cause considerable pain and unpleasant taste in your mouth.
- Coffee increases the need to frequently go to the bathroom and it is not a best practice for someone who has undergone an hour-long surgery. Even after surgery, you are required to be resting which is not possible if you are going in and out of the bathroom.
- Caffeine forms acids in the stomach for digestion. After extraction, your diet will be limited for a few hours, and drinking coffee increases acid formations which can cause heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.
Read tooth extraction complexities
Drinking Hot Coffee After Tooth Extraction
You don’t want to drink hot coffee or any hot drinks after your oral surgery. This is because your nerve endings are vulnerable at this time. The heat can cause pain in your nerve endings.
It is painful to drink coffee after tooth extraction or it can even dislodge the blood clot that has already formed.
Drinking Cold Coffee After Tooth Extraction
It is not a good idea to drink cold coffee after your oral surgery, but room temperature coffee would be ok. Make sure to ask your dental professional first.
Make sure to drink coffee in the first 24 hours after the procedure. Your body must get a lot of rest to aid with the healing process.
When Can You Drink Coffee After Tooth Extraction
Regardless of the severity of the tooth, it is safe to take coffee after 4 to 5 days of the extraction date. During this time, the teeth should have almost completely healed, though healing time may vary from person to person. The average healing time should be about two weeks. But if you experience soreness, swelling, discomfort, or any problems in the mouth you need to contact your dental professional right away.
Alternative Beverages After Tooth Extraction
Staying hydrated after your oral surgery can help ensure proper healing and avoid dry sockets. If you are unsure if coffee can affect your recovery, there are other beverages you can enjoy after tooth extraction such as:
Water – drink plenty of water to flush out food particles from the extraction site and keep yourself hydrated.
Milk – milk is a good source of calcium that helps to strengthen the teeth.
Non-carbonated drinks – any non-carbonated drinks such as sports drinks can hydrate effectively, and won’t dislodge the clot. Drink sugary drinks in moderation and remember to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth afterward.
Regardless of what you choose to drink, avoid using a straw because the suction from drinking with a straw can dislodge the blood clot.
How to Promote Healing
Eating the right kind of food is essential to your healing. There are also other things you can do to ensure smooth recovery such as:
- Do not smoke tobacco, drink alcohol, and avoid vigorous rinsing.
- Do not use a straw for 24 hours.
- Take medications as prescribed by your dental professional.
- Brush and floss regularly but do not brush at the extraction site.
- If there is swelling, apply a cold cloth or an ice bag to reduce swelling.