Produce Wonderful Results With Invisalign Attachments

Invisalign attachments (SmartForce®) are small and tooth-colored in the shape of buttons bonded to your teeth via bonding composite resin material. SmartForce® attachments are utilized when the patient can’t get the desired outcome with the Invisalign aligners alone.

Invisalign SmartForce® Attachment – A Brief Explanation of How It Works

Invisalign aligners have been utilized to solve minor cases of malocclusion to accomplish straight teeth, yet this sort of orthodontic treatment actually cannot fix complex cases compared to traditional braces. However, thanks to the creation of attachments, Invisalign is currently capable of treating more severe cases of malocclusion. Orthodontists attach these tooth-colored buttons on the patient’s teeth that need further changes. These buttons are typically bonded on the center of the tooth and come in various shapes. They can be in the shape of circles, squares, rectangles, or triangles. The attachments’ shape and orientation relies upon the function it serves, translation, intrusion as well as the extrusion of tooth rotation for a more accurate tooth movement.

Invisalign attachments are fundamentally utilized for serious cases of crooked teeth or crowding, wherein the tooth needs to be rotated. The concept for attachments is that the bumps will give an anchor point that aids toward directing the forces of the aligners more efficiently and accurately to the tooth.

Why Choose Invisalign Treatment?


Procedure for Placing Button Attachments on Invisalign

Bonding attachments is a basic procedure with the use of simple bonding techniques normally utilized in several other dental procedures. No drills or shots are needed to attach them. They are typically bonded by using a template. Review the following to learn how it’s performed:

  • Orthodontists get a transparent, plastic template from Invisalign which similarly looks to an aligner with the exception of tiny bumps matching the location of the teeth where the attachments should be bonded.
  • The next step is to clean and set up the tooth surface in order for the attachments to be properly bonded.
  • At that point, the bulge will be filled by using a tooth-colored dental composite material. The bulge’s shape makes the attachment’s shape to be bonded.
  • The template will then be bonded to your teeth and your orthodontist will harden the bonding material by utilizing a dental curing light.
  • Once it has solidified, your orthodontist will take the template off and remove any excess material. The tiny bump is the attachment and stays in your tooth.

Learn Advantages of Invisalign Treatment.

See more on How long does it take to fix an overbite with Invisalign?

If I Have Dental Restorations, Can I Still Have Attachments for Invisalign?

If you have fillings, crowns, or veneers, the attachments can still be bonded to your teeth. However, a few kinds of restorations can prove to be a bit difficult when getting Invisalign attachments.

    • Composite restorations – This type of dental restoration is comparable to the sort of material utilized in making attachments so it will not cause any difficulties in bonding Invisalign attachments.
  • Metal or porcelain – The bonding may not be as durable as when it is used on a tooth or a composite material, however, adding attachments to metal or porcelain types is still achievable.

More about Steps for cleaning Invisalign Trays

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